Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Flowers are love's truest language"

The above quote belongs to Park Benjamin. I came across it, and thought of sharing my ideas with you. Flowers are simply stunning and has become my personal favorites recently. It is simply amazing, how miraculously a bunch of flowers operates. I remember that whenever I send Carmen flowers, even if she is miles away from me, living in Romania, she is very, very happy! Somehow a bunch of beautiful flowers accompanied by some words, thoughts can make her happy instantly. I came to the conclusion that flowers help love blooming and thus Park Benjamin's words are valid. Flowers arranged nicely in a bouquet, can speak thousands of words. Interestingly enough a bunch of flowers can express sentiments, transmit feelings and make your dearest person very happy. Flowers are silent but very good messengers of love, appreciation. They are very kind presents and in my opinion the best presents that can be offered to a lady. Flowers are splendid elements of the natural world, meant to help us, human beings in our relationships. Flowers can and often help us out when it comes to expressing our innermost feelings. I do like flowers. I consider them graceful and amazing elements that color and scent our lives. I have a dear lady in Romania, surprsing her with a bunch of flowers is simply great! She is happy, I am happy! It is as simple as that! A bunch of lovely flowers can make us happy very easily. Moreover flowers are beautiful, gorgeous just like my Carmen. A bunch of flowers complement her beauty perfectly!
Surprise your beloved from Romania with a bunch of flowers! She'll surely appreciate it and you will see and experience how flowers speak the true language of love.

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