Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Flowers and Name Days

Name Days are very important holidays in Romania. It's quite interesting but a Name day celebration, equals a birthday party sometimes. It was quite surprising for me at first. But as Carmen explained it to me, I began to understand. The majority of Romania's population is Orthodox, and in this religion they associate name days with the celebrations of a Saint. Since Saints are worshipped, persons having their names are also honored on that specific day. Thus Saint Mary and the persons named: Maria, Marioara, Mariana are honored on 8 September. This holiday of Saint Mary celebrates her birth. If you know a person who has this name and lives in Romania, do not forget to send her flowers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gabe!
    Great blog. Kevin recommended it to me. I liked your text and true, ladies from Romania are special. I also have a dear lady over there.
