Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Flowers are love's truest language"

The above quote belongs to Park Benjamin. I came across it, and thought of sharing my ideas with you. Flowers are simply stunning and has become my personal favorites recently. It is simply amazing, how miraculously a bunch of flowers operates. I remember that whenever I send Carmen flowers, even if she is miles away from me, living in Romania, she is very, very happy! Somehow a bunch of beautiful flowers accompanied by some words, thoughts can make her happy instantly. I came to the conclusion that flowers help love blooming and thus Park Benjamin's words are valid. Flowers arranged nicely in a bouquet, can speak thousands of words. Interestingly enough a bunch of flowers can express sentiments, transmit feelings and make your dearest person very happy. Flowers are silent but very good messengers of love, appreciation. They are very kind presents and in my opinion the best presents that can be offered to a lady. Flowers are splendid elements of the natural world, meant to help us, human beings in our relationships. Flowers can and often help us out when it comes to expressing our innermost feelings. I do like flowers. I consider them graceful and amazing elements that color and scent our lives. I have a dear lady in Romania, surprsing her with a bunch of flowers is simply great! She is happy, I am happy! It is as simple as that! A bunch of lovely flowers can make us happy very easily. Moreover flowers are beautiful, gorgeous just like my Carmen. A bunch of flowers complement her beauty perfectly!
Surprise your beloved from Romania with a bunch of flowers! She'll surely appreciate it and you will see and experience how flowers speak the true language of love.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flower symbolism

Flowers are very much appreciated and often offered as presents to the ladies. I send lots of flowers, to my beloved Carmen, to Romania. I have often wondered about the meaning of flowers. I just thought of compiling a list with these. I hope you will find it useful.

Alstroemeria- aspring
Anemone- fragile
Azalea- abundance
Begonia- deep thoughts
Camellia- graciousness

Carnation: pink-gratitude
                  red- love
                  white- remembrance
                  yellow- cheerful

Chrysanthemum: yellow- secret admirer
                             white- truth
                             red- sharing

Daisy: innocence
Daffodil: chivalry
Geranium: comfort
Hyacinth: sincerity
Iris: inspiration
Jasmine: Grace, elegance
Calla lily:  regal
Orchid: loving thoughts

Rose: pink- friendship
           red-passionate love
          white- unity
         yellow- zealous

Tulip: pink-caring
           red- passionate love
           white- forgiveness
Violet: faithfulness

I hope this little list will help you select the flowers to be sent or offered to your loved ones. I am thinking of sending an all red arrangement of flower to Carmen. The message will be obvious. :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Flowers are simply stunning

I just came up with the idea of surprising Carmen with a bunch of flowers. She was amazed and happy and found the flowers absolutely stunning. Fresh flowers arranged nicely can mean one thing, my beloved's happiness. I just love to send flowers to Romania, because she appreciates them always!
Moreover using is always a pleasure. A real flower company that knows its business and sends stunning flowers to Romania.
Thank you once again!
Love you my dear Carmen.

Flowers are the greatest things that can make us express our deepest and innermost feelings.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flowers and Love

Flowers are of great help when it comes to expressing our feelings. We can express our gratitude, love, with a bunch of beautiful flowers. Moreover giving flowers makes both the recipient and the sender happy. Confessing your love with a bunch of flowers, is one of the nicest elements of life. Moreover any lady appreciates a heartfelt confession and some beautiful flowers. I think that flowers are of great help especially to men, who wish to impress their darlings. I choose a lovely bunch of flowers from and it was delivered during my stay in Ploiesti, Romania. Carmen was very impressed, and when I confessed my love for her holding the bunch of flowers in my hands, her eyes were brimming with tears. Those lovely flowers, delivered on time, added to the power of my confession, my love, my feelings. I shall never forget those lovely flowers and the days I spent in Romania with my beloved. It was simply amazing and our days spent together made our love stronger. Flowers as once emerson said: "are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world." Flowers are simply stunning and can create some magical moments for me and a special lady living in Romania.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why to send flowers?

Why sending flowers to the one you love? One of my colleagues asked me this question. I am still trying to formulate the best answer. Why do I send flowers to Carmen? because I want to see her happy and smiling. I can achieve this by sending her flowers. For some flowers might seem very little almost insignificant things, but for me, flowers are precious little elements that make my beloved smile. I appreciate flowers and their beauty, precisely because they have helped me win Carmen's heart. All the bunches of flowers I sent her, had conveyed messages of love and happiness. She was so delighted every time. So I realized that sending her a bunch of flowers is the best possible gift. After I discovered the flower shop, I had already mentioned:, her joy was greater. This online flower shop offers truly amazing bouquets. I love their flowers, professional services and very attentive customer support. With their help I manage to bring happiness to Carmen's every days. I remember, I was once in ploiesti and present when the flowers were delivered. She was so happy. Her eyes were brighter, her smile lovelier and I was in 7th heaven. So why to send flowers? You should find out the answer for yourself. My answer is this: I send Carmen flowers because she appreciates them. Together with Carmen I  came to love flowers. Their beauty and sweet scent enhance the true nature of love. I use flowers as messengers, sending Carmen my messages of love. This way I'm closer to her in time and space. Moreover flowers help us to remember all the nice moments we shared together. I do hope to send her lots of flowers in the future as well!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Flowers and Name Days

Name Days are very important holidays in Romania. It's quite interesting but a Name day celebration, equals a birthday party sometimes. It was quite surprising for me at first. But as Carmen explained it to me, I began to understand. The majority of Romania's population is Orthodox, and in this religion they associate name days with the celebrations of a Saint. Since Saints are worshipped, persons having their names are also honored on that specific day. Thus Saint Mary and the persons named: Maria, Marioara, Mariana are honored on 8 September. This holiday of Saint Mary celebrates her birth. If you know a person who has this name and lives in Romania, do not forget to send her flowers!

Monday, September 6, 2010

How to send flowers to Romania

Have you ever thought of sending flowers to Romania? Have you thought of surprising someone dear from Romania with a bunch of flowers? If yes, you may have wondered about the three basic questions: what? how? when? What type of flowers? How to send them? When is it appropiate to send flowers? In what follows I would like to try and provide answers to these questions, based on my personal experience.

  • What flowers to send? 
Usually ladies love flowers. A bunch of flowers arranged nicely can surprise any lady from Romania. Choosing the type of flower, you should take into account the lady's personality, character. It is very important to choose a bunch of flowers that she would love for sure. Thus if she is a very sophisticated lady, choose something exotic: anthurium, paradise bird, orchid. If she is fond of simple things and revels in every small detail choose between: tulip, daffodil, hyacinth. If she is a romantic lady, besides the well-known roses, you can also select calla lilies, lilies. My advice would be to select a bouquet that consists of at least two types of flowers. The impact is greater, the impression more lasting. A flower can be only beautiful; and when accompanied with others this beauty is enhanced. Moreover a bunch of flowers together with a warm message, can take any lady's breath away. Thus if you wish to touch a lady's heart, send her some beautiful flowers and tender words.

  • How to send flowers?      
As you might have noticed in the era of the internet, there are lots of online businesses. Several online companies can be accessed that offer their services. This is valid for the online flower shops as well. There are tones of online flower shops that offer their services. usually you need to select the bouquet, enter your information, the recipient's details and the desired date of delivery. It is a simple procedure that can bring a smile to a Romanian lady's face. I used and was truly happy with their service. Their bunch of flowers amazed my beloved lady from Romania. Carmen was every time very happy with the bunches of flowers and this is all that matters to me. Moreover I was assisted several times to select the most suitable and the loveliest bunch of flowers. My message was also translated into Romanian, free of charge. The delivery day was exactly the one I wanted, the result was awesome. A happy face, a lovely smiling lady. As Carmen said, with this bunch of flowers somehow we could diminish the distance between Ploiesti, Romania and Baldwin, USA. So every time I need flowers to be delivered, I just contact special offers, reminder service about upcoming holidays helps me to make the most important lady of my life happy.

  • When to send flowers?     
"When to send flowers?"  is a very interesting question. Usually we send or tend to send flowers only for special occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, name days. Besides these special occasions, there are the religious holidays: Christmas, Easter. Other important holidays include: Valentine's Day and the International Women's Day. My personal opinion is that you should surprise your lady not only on these occasions. You should send her flowers, just because you wish to turn an ordinary, gray, every day into an extraordinary one. Flowers are always welcomed gifts and can make a lady happy instantly. I just began to understand how these beautiful and yet so fragile creatures of the natural world can make such great impressions on us. Flowers are beauty and scent; moreover flowers embody and encompass all the nice feelings possible: love, friendship, happiness, gladness, joy, comradeship. Everything that's beautiful on this planet can be expressed by gving or offering a  single flower. Thus here comes my advice: Send flowers whenever you wish; besides the holidays or special occasions, do not forget about the "just because" events. They will definitely make someone very happy.My Carmen is always very happy with the bunches of flowers.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Have you ever taken the time to think about flowers? Obviously and without a doubt they are beautiful elements of the natural world, meant to make our lives nicer, fuller and richer. Flowers make your life nicer, because they decorate your rooms, house or garden, providing a beautiful sight and a lovely scent. flowers make your life fuller, because they bring a speck of beauty everywhere and can cheer you up anytime. Moreover you can always offer flowers to the important persons of your life. Flowers also enrich our lives. Have you ever thought about flowers being present at the most special moment's of one's existence. When a baby is born, flowers are offered.  When baptizing the baby, flowers are everywhere used as decorative elements to enhance the beauty and magic of the moment. Similarly flowers are there when we graduate from school, making our joy greater. Flowers are present at our engagement party and wedding as well. We cannot imagine our wedding day without flowers, precisely because they make the day even more special and beautiful. Somehow flowers accompany us throughout our life, being the silent witnesses of our happiest moments as human beings. We need flowers to make these moments unique. Flowers with their beauty, scent contribute to the fabulous nature of the event. Thus treasure flowers and use them to express your innermost feelings and thoughts. Use flowers, have them arranged in beautiful bouquets to thank every special person of your life for being there for you!