Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flowers and Valentine's Day

As we all know, Valentine's Day is getting closer. And we also know that this holiday is very special. A holiday filled with love and happiness. These days is time for us to show our love to persons we care about. What could be better as a gift of Valentine's Day than flowers? And so I will send a bunch of flowers to Romania,for my lovely Carmen. I bet she will be very happy. And why not? Flowers are like the most wonderful thing in this world ... "Under the summer roses, when the fragrant crimson lurks in the dusk of the wild red leaves, love, with little hands, comes and touches you with a thousand memories, and asks you beautiful, unanswerable questions". I like this quote a lot and I want to dedicate it to all who are in love. Have a nice Valentine's Day! May you Valentine's Day be filled with many lovely surprises.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Flowers and my heart's desires

The loveliest day of the year is approaching. Valentine's  day is a special and unique day of the year, when we can share flowers or send flowers to our loved ones. Flowers are indispensable details of any Valentine's day celebration. Flowers with their beauty, color and scent add a special touch to any celebration. In fact what do we celebrate on Valentine's day? We celebrate our love, would be the simplest answer. Yes, we do indeed. We celebrate our love by giving a bunch of beautiful flowers to the lady we love. But Valentine's is also about a conquer. If we celebrate Valentine's day with our love, it means that we managed to conquer all the obstacles given by the gray every days, we managed to overcome all the little nonsenses or fights that spice our couples' existence. Thus even if there are strange or hard times, even if we are tired, troubled, we have found other half and we can share everything with him/her. Together everything is easier to solve.  As you select the flowers you wish to surprise your beloved with, think of all the happy or uplifting moments you shared together. As you give her the bunch of flowers, do not forget to thank her for being there for you!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flowers are Nature's works of art

Flowers are simple, yet indispensable elements of our lives. Their beauty, scent and color can make us truly happy and joyful. Admiring a lovely bunch of flowers and thinking of my dear Carmen, I came to the conclusion that flowers are nature's works of art. Intricate designs, lovely petals, colors, scents make up a flower. A Flowers can help us transmit feelings without words. A single flower can touch a lady's heart and can complement her beauty. I do consider that sending flowers to the one you love is the most romantic gesture of all. Flowers are necessary to keep us cheerful and happy.  Flowers add something extra, maybe magic to those gray, every days, when work is tiring and tiresome, the weather rainy or just cloudy. In those days, just take a look at a flower and you will start to feel better.

According to an old Chinese proverb: When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other. I can only agree!

Buy your loved ones flowers and make them smile! Their smile is worth anything!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why do I like sending flowers?

Recently I was asked the question serving as a title for this post. Well, the answer may seem simple: because I'm in love and would like to send my love from Romania, all the beautiful things I can. Flowers are in my opinion a great gift that complement any time a lady's beauty.  Moreover both of us appreciate nature and its beauties. A single flower can talk thousands of words about emotions, sentiments and feelings. As I have said before flowers can perfom magic. A lovely bunch of flowers can make a lady smile anytime. I love to see my lady from Romania smiling and therefore I send her flowers often. Flowers can cheer her up, which is very important for me. Moreover I have found a very reliable company, whose services are the best, centered around the customer's needs and wishes. Romanianflowers besides offering lovely bunches of flowers, has a plus. They can customize any bunch of flowers for you. This is a service, that not too many companies offer. I just name the flowers and colors and a lovely arrangement is prepared. I truly like this company. Thus whenever you wish to send someone from Romania flowers, choose

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flowers in 2011

The holidays passed and we stepped into a new year. As 2011 started, I'm sure that many of you had made lots of New Year resolutions. I have made only one. I just wish to go on admiring the beauty of flowers, making my Elena happy sendinh her lots of beautiful bunches of flowers. I came to understand how the beauty of flowers complement our lives, giving it a brand new dimension. This brand new dimension enhances human being's capacity to come to recognize and appreciate every little detail, aspect of his/her life. Until we take delight in the beauty of a single flower, we're happy persons. Moreover until we're thinking about our beloved, and try to make her happy by sending her a bunch of flowers, we can claim an affinity to the noble feeling of love. If we love someone, we try to do our best to make that persons smile and glad. Consequently I wish to send many bunches of flowers to my Elena. She always appreciates them, moreover flowers are her favorite presents. In my opinion it is very important to show love and tenderness. Thus my advice and second new year's resolution is to take care and look after the ones we love. Let us not think twice to surprise the one and only woman/man from our life with a beautiful bunch of flowers. Remember flowers can speak thousands of words.