Thursday, November 4, 2010

Flowers are wonderful

Flowers are great and very beautiful. As you could have figured it, I greatly appreciate flowers. Without repating myself, I wish to write some of my thoughts about flowers. Flowers represent a source of inspiration, beauty as well as fascination. Over the years, decades flowers have inspired and continue to inspire lots of artists. Many works of art were created that proclaim the beauty as well as the magical nature of flowers. In my opinion flowers can be considered little lamps that can enlight our soul, fill it with light, warmth, color as well as scent. It is sometimes enough to take a look at a single flower to cheer up. Flowers through their beauty and lovely colors can manage to turn our gray everydays into little special moments of celebrations.
My dear Carmen lives in Romania, I try to send her flowers as soon as I can. Sometimes for our anniversary, her birthday, name day, or just because. She is always happy with them. I have observed throughout the years of sending flowers to Romania, to Carmen expects flowers for special occasions. Thus it is not a surprise, or not entirely. Yet, when I send her flowers "just because" she is thrilled with joy and happiness. She does not expect them, thus her surprise and happiness is great. I can only recommend you to design such great surprises for the ones you love. It will make them glow from happiness. Let the flowers inspire you through their beauty, scent and colors. Create a magical day for the one you love, by sending her flowers to Romania, or anywhere else.

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour." William  Blake

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