Thursday, December 16, 2010

Flowers are magical for Christmas

Flowers are magical gifts for Christmas. Firstly because flowers can help us profess our love. Secondly flowers charm ladies, touch their hearts. As I have said before flowers encompass all the wonderful aspects of nature: scents and colors. Flowers represent the best way to express our feelings. Moreover in this special time of the year, when the spirit of Christmas gets hold of our hearts, it is good to surprise our beloved one with a bunch of flowers, besides other presents. I do believe and think that flowers can enlighten our soul and can make us more sensitive and nice to each other. Do not forget to express your feelings, and buy your wife a bunch of flowers. A bunch of flowers under the Christmas tree. A poinsettia plant to be lucky in the year that comes.

Flowers are very important elements of our life. They teach us to love, to be kind and patient with each other. Flowers encomprise all the loveliness of the universe. A single flower can speak thousands of words about your feelings. As Christmas draws nearer and nearer our soul fills with joy and beauty. Flowers embody all these feelings, have them close at hand.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Once again about the loveliest Christmas flower

As Christmas is coming closer, I wonder more and more about Poinsettias. These lovely flowers, make our rooms brighter, cheer us up and fill our soul with love. Poinsettias are magical flowers, plants, carrying with them the greatest message given to humanity: love. Poinsettias are truly charming flowers that carry with them the Christmas spirit. What does this Christmas spirit consist of? How can I define the Christmas spirit? It's easy, in my opinion the Christmas spirit can be defined as that atmosphere or ambience created when you meet your dearest ones and have a chat with them under the nicely lit Christmas tree. As you exchange words, gifts, a certain warmth invades your souls, hearts. People tend to smile more often and more intensely, their eyes fill with glow. Everything is more beautiful, since love is experienced. Poinsettia flowers are part of this lovely decor. Through their look and colors, poinsettia flowers add a special touch to our celebration. Moreover it is said that Poinsettia flowers bring good luck. So it is very much recommended to have Poinsettia flowers in your home! Do not hesitate to surprise your dearest ones with a lovely Poinsettia flower.
Your Christmas will be surely enlightened by the Poinsettia flower.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Flowers in December

As Saint Nicholas' Day is approaching, I realize how little days we have of this year. December is a very special month. It debutes in Romania with Saint Nicholas' Day, a lovely holiday that finds children and adults exchanging gifts, presents, sweets and flowers. After Saint Nicholas' Day we count the number until Christmas, to surprise our dearest ones with something nice. The best gift is a Poinsettia flower, that represents the true spirit of Christmas. It is precisely this true spirit of Christmas that is encoded in every single flower. What does the true spirit of Christmas symbolize? First of all kindness, warmth, true sentiments, colors and scents- all meant to make us better to each other.  Flowers can teach us all these things, this is why is good to have flowers in your house. Flowers not only delight our eyes, nostrils but also caress our soul, making us courageous enough to show what we feel for each other. Flowers create special moments, moreover they make every holiday even more beautiful and intimate. Flowers are capable of designing a lovely and warm ambience, and thus do not hesitate to have them near! Flowers make a holiday a truly special time and occasion. Moreover flowers can help my dearest one from Romania to keep smiling!

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!